🇵🇹 The Shouting Man: Shouting ability: 10/10 Football ability: 0/10…

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Weed     •     June 26, 2024, 8:53 pm
UNCLE WEED @uchuddy10 🇵🇹 The Shouting Man: Shouting ability: 10/10 Football ability: 0/10 https://t.co/HmpjbIW4ny
Marijuana     •     June 26, 2024, 8:50 pm
The New York Times @nytimes Brazil decriminalized marijuana for personal use on Wednesday, making the nation of 203 million the largest to take such a measure and the latest sign of a growing global…
Marijuana     •     June 26, 2024, 8:46 pm
Impact Fund @impactfund False promises of lucrative work on marijuana farms lure Chinese migrants into a web of deceit: confiscation of cellphone and passports, unsafe work under duress, and no pay.…
Marijuana     •     June 26, 2024, 8:34 pm
Northwestern Prevention Collaborative, Virginia @NWPrevention Some proponents for legalizing marijuana have argued that marijuana provides a safer form of pain relief compared to opioids, and…
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